
The Colors of Monet

After a visit to the MOMA I became a fascinated by techniques one might use to extract color palettes from images. I used Python to scrape a large collection of Monet paintings and implemented k-nearest-neighbours with some color correction using Python Imaging Library to extract primary color groups. I completed the project by creating a data visualization using D3.js.

Colors of Monet Screenshot

Where do Graduates Work?

Inspired by this piece by the US Census Bureau, I set out to explore what occupations graduates from various college majors ended up working in. This interactive visualization built in D3 allows the user to explore what fields graduates ended up working in by hovering over a college major (left), and what fields of study occupations draw their employees from by hovering over an occupational category (right). This piece, commissioned by the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, quickly became one of the most popular blog posts on HEQCO.ca.

Where graduates work data visualization screenshot

Vizualization of the Stanford Mass Shootings Database

This is a work in progress. In its current form it is an animated bubble map of shooting fatalities in the United States between 1980 and 2015, using data from the Stanford Mass Shootings of America (MSA) database. This visualization was created using D3 and topojson. Next I will be adding interactivity, allowing the viewer to select years and tooltips to provide more details from particular incidents.

Shooting fatalities visualization screenshot

Pack Like a Nerd

Have you ever thought about the optimal number of pairs of underwear to bring on a trip? Not really? I hadn't thought about it much either! But after a fun conversation with a friend who had thought about it (a lot), I was inspired to create this convinient chart. Apparently we weren't the only ones who found this funny, because this post got picked up by Flowing Data, Gizmodo and Lifehacker and we ended up with hundreds of thousands of visitors!

Where graduates work data visualization screenshot

Student Time Use

At the Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario I acted as technical project lead on a large and innovative study on student time use and time management. For this research project we went mobile for data collection, and I had a hand in everything. I worked on research and UI design, data analysis, QA testing, coordination with our fabulous engineers and synthesizing feedback our steering committee. We celebrated a successful project launch in the Summer of 2015, and data collection will continue over several waves.